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Turtle Toolkit

Our team created The Turtle Toolkit. We adapted and made simpler the EPA’s Marine Debris Toolkit, which is used to measure college campuses' contribution to marine debris. The EPA is the Environmental Protection Agency. 

  • Who: The Turtle Toolkit is for children between 3rd and 9th grade.

  • Why KidsWe believe kids can change our future. We chose to educate younger kids because educating adults would be too hard. They’ve already formed their plastic usage habits, kids have not. It educates children about the harmful effects of plastic on turtles and other marine life. This will help children to gain the power of knowledge to help reduce future plastic pollution. If this works, in the future there will be less plastic and other trash that finds it's way into the ocean

The Turtle Toolkit has three steps. You can have fun tailoring your toolkit for your school and make a difference. 

  1. Measure your school's plastic usage - download the short survey to assess your school’s plastic usage—it’s main sources and quantities.

  2. Learn more - see our collection of educational materials made easy for kids to understand. It includes our pamphlet, survey, and video.

  3. Create a simple action plan - to enable kids to make a positive impact now. Two practical suggestions that the toolkit outlines that can be done just by us kids is to say 'no to single-use plastic bottles' initiative at your school and participation at a local beach clean-up, like a Nurdle Patrol event.  

Measure Your School's Plastic Usage

Download the short survey (XLS download) above to assess your school’s plastic usage—it’s main sources and quantities.

Learn More

Learning more on this subject will help you find the easiest way to help reduce plastic.

Create A Simple Action Plan

Two examples of action plans are the 'Ban the Bottle' campaign, and beach cleanups. These allow kids to make an impact now.

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